My name is Megan Daalder and I come to the healing arts with a background in performance and video art. My own mental-emotional challenges led me to ask questions outside the scope of “mental illness,” and connected me to politicized somatic modalities and intergenerational healing. These nonlinear approaches to distress have inspired me to connect my creative skillset more intimately to the interpersonal processes that have always been my passion.

I am currently training to become a somatic psychotherapist, but Relational Embodiment Healing is my effort to create a non-clinical, non-pathologizing container. I incorporate modalities, some of which are clinical, that feel philosophically and politically aligned with a decolonial anticapitalist practice.

I am deeply committed to collective healing and run a workshop called “What is a Collective Nervous System?” regularly. I also collaborate on several popular education projects that make psychotherapeutic theories more accessible and occasionally publish zines like this one.

You can contact me at memadaa at gmail dot com.

A black and white portrait of a white person with long brown hair wearing a white tshirt